Last week's TMS' #1 talk focused on how the WTBTS is God's Organization.
The Scriptures used to back this claim were:
Matt. 24:14 and 28:19,20 (Preaching work takes "organization")
Acts 2:1-4 (An "organized" group was together when they
received Holy Spirit)
1Cor. 1:10 (Unity is not possible without an "organization")
Acts 15:1,2 (Issues were sent to the GB in Paul's day. Through
an "organization" the dispute was settled)
More reason's why JW's are God's Organization, according to the speaker:
-God's Word promotes encouragement from God's Organization
-Today, organization is needed to preach. We have to be part
of an organization. Literature is needed in many different
languages. This takes organization.
-Meetings, assemblies, etc. Everything requires organization.
The speaker closed with: "We should support it in both words AND deeds."
So many stupid people, so few comets! :o)